Good Things in Small Packages

To celebrate the season, Gallery Hózhó in Hotel Chaco is hosting Good Things in Small Packages, a holiday market open to artists associated with work in the Heritage Hotels & Resorts. This show features smaller pieces most of which were created this year, perfect to give as gifts to loved ones or to keep for yourself! The exhibition can be seen on our website, which includes exclusive new videos from the artists or in the gallery.

Participating artists include Celestino Crowhill, Del Curfman, Ishkoten Dougi, Garrett Etsitty, Chaz John, Julia Lambright, Terran Last Gun, Ira Lujan, Rhett Lynch, Daniel McCoy Jr., Nathan N. Nez Jr., Jazmin Novak, Alex Peña, Jeanette Aguilar Rocha, Deborah Sipple, David Gary Suazo, Antoinette Thompson, Michael Toya, Peterson Yazzie, and Sun Youn.

Good Things in Small Package


We would like to express special thanks to the jurors of this exhibition who took their time to evaluate all more than over 50 artwork that was submitted to our “Good Things in Small Packages” holiday exhibition.

The jury was comprised of notable members of the local arts community, including Patricia Kurz, from Albuquerque Museum Foundation Board of Directors; Claude Smith, the exhibition manager at 516 ARTS; Rhett Lynch, local artist and advisor for Gallery Hózhó; and Adriana Long, the interior designer for Hotel Chaco, and Josie Lopez, curator of art at the Albuquerque Museum. We are so grateful for their efforts and their expertise.



Congratulations to Daniel McCoy, who received the Gallery Award for his work “Aspen” in this year’s holiday exhibition. We are very happy to announce that you will have the chance to see new and exclusive work from him in a solo exhibition coming up next year.


We are very excited to also announce that Ira Lujan has won the Jurors Award for “Wedding Vase”, a hand-blown purple glass version of a double-spouted pot with black designs carved in sand into the glass.



We want to thank everyone for participating in the voting for the People’s Choice Award and are excited to announce the winner!

Congratulations to Antoinette Thompson, whose mixed media artwork "Protection in this Chaos" was clearly admired by the majority of our voters.